
Almost Spring

Spent the last week of April with our darling friends, Matt, Rachel & Jada.  Took them to all our fave spots in Chicago.  It was still freezing cold so that was a bit of a bummer.  

60 degrees

when chicago breaks 50 degrees in the winter months it is like God is saying being patient spring will come!  Honestly, you can get so depressed here with no sun and negative temps.  We are in the home stretch!!! This week we had some warm weather and it was amazing. We went to Maggie Daley & hung out with my cute friend Madi and her son, Mason.  Side note, I tinted my own eyebrows following this gal's tutorial, Mikelle Kennedy.  It was a little scary but I definitely am excited to be able to do this myself!

Love Day

I found this quote yesterday & it embodied exactly how I feel love should feel.  

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
- Thich Nhat Hahn

That unconditional love is so important in a marriage and in any relationship.  I am going to strive to be more unconditional and freeing in the love I give to others.  I just want to let it flow from me.  I don't want to give them expectations, check lists and impossible demands for them to earn my love.  I want Chris and Jack to be them, who they truly are, and see that like our Heavenly Parents do.  See them and love them and therefore free them.  Jack and I visited our valentine downtown and had a picnic in his office.

shop the look

Sister's in Chicago

my lil sis Liz Sauce came to town this past week! She and her sis in law, Shaye, went and saw hamilton the first night and the rest of the time we just hung with jack and explored. We had a blast.   

the weekend

Ended up hanging at the zoo with an old friend, exploring the houses in our neighborhood and having a spontaneous fire pit at the lake.  

This week was especially hard because Chris had a very busy work week.  One night he didn't come home till 5:30 AM!!! Yikes.  Anyway, we tried to make the best of it.  Did lots of laundry, cleaning and just enjoyed the "warmer" weather.

Sunday Thoughts

whatever your circumstance, you are a product of their love. you were put in your specific place because they need you there. I pray everyday not only to know how to become like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but also our Mother in heaven. They can make more of us than we can make of ourselves. I feel God’s love as I find my purpose. It continually changes and shapes itself into something different but the love I feel is the same. 💙 also this blue door on my walk home from church made me smile. 

Friends Weekend

My best friends & their darling men came to visit us over the long weekend.  I warned them it would be cold but they still came and we had an absolute blast.   Rain or shine I can depend on these dudes for a rad time.

Early Christmas Eve

We had Christmas early with Jack so we didn't have to haul his gifts back and forth between Chicago and Salt Lake since we will be in Utah over actual Christmas.  We had a blast! Having Christmas with a kid is so stinking fun.

Christmas Eve consisted of jammies, the Grinch, putting together our neighbor gifts, Christmas stories, reading Luke 2 and a dance party to our Christmas Cheer playlist.

Christmas morning consisted of lots of claps, laughs, tears, blocks, ribbon and a yummy breakfast.

The Black and White wrapping paper you see I created! I wanted some Christ centered wrapping paper this year. So I made my own with my handwriting! It says “Come adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord the newborn King!


subway adventures

You know those times where you plan to do something and it does not work out.  We had one of those moments on Saturday.  Tried to go to this parade and it was freezing and couldn't see a thing.  We ended up just playing in the subway station while waiting for our train.  Still a fun night.  Gotta go with the flow as a parent.

winter playlist


yesterday I felt pretty down. I felt like my life wasn't my life.  I started to be angry, questioning why I got married so young and why I already had a child, wondering if laundry and cleaning was my only point of existence.  It's hard playing the "what if" game.  I have no regrets, but sacrifice can be hard, and that's ok.  I'm thankful for the life my Heavenly Parents have blessed me with.  When I look for them in my life that's when I find myself.  Shout out to all you moms and women who feel like no one notices them.  I SEE YOU.

Lunch w/ Dad

Jack and I took the metra train to visit dad at work.  Chris works at an ad firm downtown, Energy BBDO and we love grabbing some lunch with him.  The Nutella Cafe is literally right next door to his office and because Chris loves Nutella he has been dying to go.  To be honest, the crepe was fine but I would never go again. Do yourself a favor and go to Eataly or anywhere else. At least they had a cool sign.  Chris had a few more minutes before he had to get back so we walked along the river and chased Jack.  I love my crew.