New Year's Resolutions have been a tradition in my fam since I can remember. It honestly is one of my favorite things we do and I just love the season after Christmas. I love the chance to refocus, gather yourself & get ready to kick some butt in the new year.
What we do:
Trace our hand and create a visual representation of our goals. I have a hand goal sheet that was from when I was 5 with handwriting that was illegible. Jack has them now and it's so fun to see his hand already growing.
You then create a goal for each finger and palm area if you'd like. Each goal should focus on a different aspect of your life. Here are the ones we use generally.
Social | Personal | Academic | Financial | Spiritual | Physical | Spousal
At the end of the year we bring our goals to a family dinner and share how they went, what worked, what didn't etc. My mom and us decide if the goal was completed. If the goal was completed you get 5 bucks. It's awesome.
Here are mine for this year.
1. Spiritual - Read the Book Of Mormon with the #thebookofmormonproject
2. Social - Listen. Talk Less, ask more questions
3. Personal - Make (x) amount of money in freelance
4. Spousal - Go on at least one getaway/vacation with just Chris & I
5. Financial - Create a monthly budget and stick to it
BONUS - Create a focus word for the year. Something that you can center around and keep as a little reminder to help you improve.
My 2018 Focus Word: Outstretch
past tense: outstretched; past participle: outstretched
extend or stretch out (something, especially a hand or arm).
"I walked with my arms outstretched"
I want to offer more help, go further in relationships & dive deeper into the word of the Lord. I want to go past my limit and do things that make me uncomfortable. Because I know that's where I grow.